The Cereal Seed Experts

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Desired Plant Density (plants / sq. ft.)
35 Plant Density ranges in the 15 to 50 plants per sq. ft.

1,000 Kernel Weight (g)
35 TKW ranges between 25 to 50

Germination Rate (%)
95% Germination ranges between 75% - 100%

Emergence Mortality (%)
5% Emergency mortality ranges between 0% - 30%

Optimal Seeding Rate (lbs/ac)


Definition Explanation
Plant Densities Generally higher in areas with above average moisture, lower in areas of limited rainfall. Studies indicate higher plant density combined with a maximum agronomic package, increases yields.
1,000 Kernel Weight Measurement of one thousand kernels of that specific seed seed lot.
Germination Viable seeds out of 100 on a % basis.
Emergence Mortality Can be caused by disease, insects, excessive fertilizer in seedrow, improper seeding depth, frost etc.

More information about Optimal Seeding Rates:

Optimal Seeding Rate (lbs/ac)


1,000 Kernel Weight Guide
Hard Red 31 - 38g
CPS 39 - 50g
Durum 41 - 45g
Extra Strong 40 - 44g
Soft White 34 - 36g
Barley 2 row 40 - 50g
Barley 6 row 30 - 45g
Oats 30 - 45g